Company size
23 Employees


San Francisco, California

An organization committed to connecting volunteers with their community needed an efficient people management system that their people would enjoy using.

TriNet HR Platform provides the technology and solutions HandsOn Bay Area needs to run their organization, support their team’s needs, and focus on serving their community.

Technology like the TriNet HR Platform has allowed us to grow and to take on more clients because we’re more organized.”
Creating opportunities to serve their community

Founded in 1988, HandsOn Bay Area seeks to connect individuals to opportunities that can strengthen their local communities. In the past few years alone, they have connected over 28,000 volunteers to opportunities in schools, parks, and nonprofits across the Bay Area. Their work resulted in more than 82,000 services hours in education and literacy, youth development, health and aging, homelessness, the environment and more.

In addition to individual connections, HandsOn Bay Area also creates volunteer events for companies, including Google, Levi’s, Salesforce, and Amazon. HandsOn handles all the logistics, so employees can have an enriching hands-on experience without extra burden to companies’ internal teams.

Simplifying people operations

Prior to working with TriNet HR Platform, operations and hiring was a significant undertaking, from manually creating offer letters and hiring documents to executing the process. Now, HandsOn Bay Area can handle the process electronically, eliminating hours of paperwork and enabling new employees to complete onboarding online.

“I love to look for efficiencies and effective ways of running an organization, and technology really helps to make that happen,” says HandsOn Bay Area’s Director of Finance & Administration, Chad Wolbrink. With a lean operations staff, having technology that works for them enables the HandsOn team to focus less on day-to-day tasks and more on their clients and their people.

Paid time off (PTO) is also more efficient now with TriNet HR Platform’s PTO tracking capabilities, which allows managers to easily review, approve, or decline PTO requests all within an email. ”To be able to approve or deny it in the email is huge,” Chad says. “People love that. And the fact the employee gets notification once it’s approved.”

Our business is running so much more smoothly because of the TriNet HR Platform. I have so much more time to focus on other things beside HR, which then frees up other people and allows us to take on more clients.”
People-approved technology

HandsOn Bay Area’s employees enjoy having TriNet HR Platform as well, finding the dashboard “so easy.” Prior to using TriNet HR Platform, dealing with HR information was time-consuming, taking employees away from their focuses and priorities.

“With TriNet’s solution, employees love that they can go in, see all their health insurance, make adjustments to commuter benefits, and update payroll or their address. Before, they’d come to me, I’d give them a form, they’d fill it out, I’d scan it, send it to our HR team, and they’d have to then enter it into the appropriate system. Now that we have this way of doing it, I think, why did we ever do that?!”

HandsOn continues to enjoy the efficiencies and access that TriNet HR Platform offers their entire team as they work to connect their community and serve those in need.

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I have employees in multiple states*
ESAC Accreditation
We comply with all ESAC standards and maintain ESAC accreditation since 1995.
Certified PEO
A TriNet subsidiary is classified as a Certified Professional Employer Organization by the IRS.